Why Uruguay ?

Tata Consultancy Services

In 2002, TCS chose Uruguay as the country to set up its offshore global development center for customers in Spain and Spanish speaking Latin America. Uruguay represents a strong platform for TCS Latin America not only in the development area, but also in the financial, legal and training areas.

Apart from security and good weather conditions in Uruguay, the advantages it offers as an outsourcing centre include a well-educated human resource and a time zone opposite to that of India, enabling a 24x7 service for customers.

The Uruguay regional training center is located in Montevideo. This center was created to equip students and professionals to cope with the demands of the IT and communications industry (TIC). Over 500 professionals have been trained so far and we expect to further train about 3000 employees within the next two years.
TCS Uruguay was awarded the best IT exporter of Uruguay by the Chamber of Commerce and Services of the country in 2007.


Ence Group

Uruguay is one of the few countries in the world which has based its entire forest policy in the production of planted forests. This productive experience benefits from the suitability of its land and it leverages the positive effects of afforestation on soils degraded as a result of agricultural misuse and erosion.

Plantation forests contribute significantly to the atmospheric cycle of carbon, by reducing the amount of carbon monoxide and helping to reduce the impact of greenhouse gases on world climate.

Within the context of the Uruguayan regulatory framework and the tax benefits adopted to promote this forest sub-sector, ENCE Group, through its affiliate Eufores, decided to participate from the very beginning in the forestry development of Uruguay.



Botnia started up its sixth pulp mill in Fray Bentos, Uruguay in November 2007. The mill is located on the shore of the River Uruguay 4 kilometres east of the town of Fray Bentos.
Its production capacity is 1 million tonnes of bleached short-fibre eucalyptus pulp. The pulp is sent from the mill by river barge to the deep-water port of Nueva Palmira for loading onto oceangoing vessels bound for Europe and Asia.
Uruguay has supported the forest plantations since 1980s, aiming at putting grasslands with low agricultural value into productive use.
Uruguay offers ideal growing conditions for rapid growth eucalyptus trees.
Political, economic and legal conditions: Uruguay is politically a very stable country and its government is favourably disposed to investments. Land ownership is clear and the country's legislation is well-developed. Additionally, Uruguay has good basic social security and high standard of education guaranteeing well-educated professionals and qualified labour force.
The pulp mill's location in Fray Bentos was based on an extensive study of various factors. Fray Bentos is the ideal location for the pulp mill, when taking into account the environment, wood raw material and pulp logistics as well as socio-economic impacts to the region.


Sabre Holdings

Operations in Montevideo provide world-class customer support to our Travel Network and Airline Solutions customer base. The office also includes support functions for Jurni/Nexion, Synxis, Web Services, GetThere and international accounting.
With 550 employees and growing, Montevideo is the company’s second largest location.


AIVA TPA Services

Our Back Office and Sales Support Center operates from Zonamerica, in Montevideo-Uruguay. Zonamerica is a world class site in solutions and technology, hosting the main operations in Latin America for international companies focused on service quality, cost efficient structures and tax advantages. Offices Through our Head Office in Zonamerica, Montevideo-Uruguay, we provide services to world class companies, as well as to our sales support offices in strategic locations, and our financial advisers network in over 20 countries.


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